Wednesday, November 26, 2008
Sending Holiday Wishes to the Troops in Iraq
Posted by
Desjgn "J Design" Playing Cards
9:15 PM
This year, I wanted send our troops some Holiday Wishes and have donated a nice shipment of Classic Cultures to them to arrive in time for Christmas. I may not support the war, but I support the troops.
Desjgn Playing Cards on Facebook
Posted by
Desjgn "J Design" Playing Cards
9:14 PM
Ok, I have taken the plunge and created a group on facebook. Feel free to join!
Thursday, November 20, 2008
Cara Gails
Posted by
Desjgn "J Design" Playing Cards
6:43 AM
One of the web's greatest sellers of playing cards has added Desjgn to their inventory. You can now find Desjgns at Cara Gails. I'm pleased to add them along side other great sellers of Desjgns.
Thursday, October 23, 2008
Friday, October 17, 2008
Desjgn Classic Culture Arrival!
Posted by
Desjgn "J Design" Playing Cards
12:49 PM
They are finally here and I could not be more happy! These are beautiful and hope you think so too when they arrive in your hands!
I am speechless...just blown away by how great these look!
Wednesday, October 8, 2008
Contest (drawing) #1
Posted by
Desjgn "J Design" Playing Cards
12:12 PM
So after 33 responses to the contest, we have a winner!
Congratulations to the individual who chose.....the Jack of Spades--Dantheman!
Let me know which 2 back colors you'd like to receive.
Thank you to all who participated!
Wednesday, October 1, 2008
An important package!
Posted by
Desjgn "J Design" Playing Cards
11:29 AM
I received a very important package yesterday and of course the feeling is reminiscent of a kid in a candy store...
As a designer, anytime you open something you created and worked so hard to produce, there is this big satisfaction when you finally get the tangible product in your hand. I had to just give the Brown Topaz deck a quick shuffle or two. The clean ripples and soft sounds were amazing. I hope you too will feel this way when they finally arrive in your hands very soon.
Thank you for all the comments from everyone. My apologies that it took so long to get these produced, but I do not go rushing to press until I'm sold on them and that I could do improvements based on all the feedback given. I may not have got the textured plastic yet, but will always work to get that at some point in the future.
I think it is time for a couple of giveaways and contests!
Monday, September 8, 2008
Back Color #10: Pink Pearl (new!)
Posted by
Desjgn "J Design" Playing Cards
3:57 PM

The final back color option for Classic Cultures is Pink Pearl. This again was a product of many requests--both by women and men. This color is truly a first for the plastic playing card market. Sure, we've seen the Bicycle paperbacks in pink, but then the whole face side was pink as well. Rest assured, only the back will be pink! With 10 unique back colors, you can truly match your poker/game room, equipment/decor nicely, match to your favorite team's colors, and match to a themed celebration or holiday.
The Pink Pearl back is paired with the image of the updated Ace of Spades which is truly decorative and ornate! I quite like the re-design of the original (still good, imho) and hope that you will as well once the actual cards are in your hands.
Two more combos complete the list below with the addition of this back color:
Amour Combo (Brown Topaz & Pink Pearl)
Stylin' Combo (Black Onyx & Pink Pearl)
Friday, September 5, 2008
Back Color #9: Orange Coral (new!)
Posted by
Desjgn "J Design" Playing Cards
10:29 AM

In addition to the request for the Brown Topaz back, Orange Coral was also one of those requests that Desjgn is happy to now introduce to the Classic Culture back line. I have also updated the combo listings post below to include a few more options. Please note that the color will be less muted, more rich than what appears on your screen for Orange Coral. The picture on Desjgn's main site will give you a better rendition.
Wednesday, September 3, 2008
Combo Possibilities
Posted by
Desjgn "J Design" Playing Cards
8:04 PM
With 8 back colors, the possibilities of ordering a preferred combo setup are quite numerous. I offer what will be available, but any possible combos not listed are easily acquired with the custom combo option.
Classic Combo (Red Ruby & Blue Sapphire)
Holiday Combo (Red Ruby & Green Emerald)
Mardi Gras Combo 1 (Purple Spinel & Yellow Zircon)
Mardi Gras Combo 2 (Purple Spinel & Green Emerald)
Stinger Combo (Black Onyx & Yellow Zircon)
Haunted Combo (Black Onyx & Orange Coral)
Earthstone Combo (Green Emerald & Brown Topaz)
Neutral Combo (Black Onyx & Gray Moonstone)
Aquatic Mist Combo (Gray Moonstone & Blue Sapphire)
Wicked Combo (Red Ruby & Black Onyx)
Autumn Combo (Brown Topaz & Orange Coral)
Custom Combo (2 back colors of choice)
Royal Culture Combo (1 of each back color)
Back Color #8: Red Ruby
Posted by
Desjgn "J Design" Playing Cards
12:40 PM

a red color. This keeps the traditionalists happy with the Classic Combo of red and blue, but satisfies those that like to pair it with something out of the norm.
Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Back Color #7: Brown Topaz (new!)
Posted by
Desjgn "J Design" Playing Cards
12:53 PM
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Sample Classic Culture deck received
Posted by
Desjgn "J Design" Playing Cards
9:26 AM
On Monday I received a sample deck of the Classic Cultures. It is the final proof of seeing how the graphics print both front and back before mass production can begin. I was thrilled to see how well the back design looked. It was the black onyx color and it just looked sharp! Overall the faces were crisp and printed correctly, although I noticed a few things immediately that were incorrect: the 7-10 on spades, diamonds, and hearts weren't updated files and one of the diamond jack's eyes didn't print properly. The jokers were sized down a bit due to the text being so close the plastic's edge in the original design. I didn't like that they were re-sized so I revisited and re-designed the jokers which will look more clean and simple.
All issues have been rectified and will soon have a final proof to approve.
Overall, they are looking good and the plastic material, which will be a little thinner than the Paisleys, really handles well and has a good snap. I just can't wait until these arrive in October!
Monday, August 18, 2008
Back Color #6: Blue Sapphire (updated)
Posted by
Desjgn "J Design" Playing Cards
10:02 PM
Monday, August 11, 2008
Back Color #5: Yellow Zircon (updated)
Posted by
Desjgn "J Design" Playing Cards
7:54 PM

Another popular combo from the Paisley release is Yellow Zircon paired with Black Onyx. Although it pairs well with other colors, I believe this particular combo inspired other manufacturers to release the gold/black combo which also look good.
One complaint with the first Yellow Zircon was its brightness. This was due to a printing error as it should have been a deeper, mustard yellow. This will be updated for the Classic Culture release.
Tuesday, August 5, 2008
Back Color #4: Black Onyx
Posted by
Desjgn "J Design" Playing Cards
9:10 AM
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Posted by
Desjgn "J Design" Playing Cards
4:53 PM
I'll be posting items related to the design of this line throughout the weekend, but you won't see another back color/face design until next Tuesday and every Tuesday after that leading up to the release date in September/October 08.
Back Color #3: Gray Moonstone (new!)
Posted by
Desjgn "J Design" Playing Cards
11:32 AM
Back Color #2: Green Emerald (updated)
Posted by
Desjgn "J Design" Playing Cards
11:28 AM
Back Color #1: Purple Spinel
Posted by
Desjgn "J Design" Playing Cards
11:21 AM

It's Official! Classic Culture to be released (Bridge Size)!
Posted by
Desjgn "J Design" Playing Cards
11:00 AM

Finally! It is with great pleasure to present the next line of Desjgn Playing Cards in bridge size: Classic Culture! This amazing back design was inspired by a recent logo design attempt I did a few months back using a swirl motif common in the Maori culture of New Zealand. I will be presenting a new color back and/or face image each week. Here, I present Classic Culture complete with its packaging, a nice silver embossed, 2-deck black box! Expect these to arrive by the end of September/early October of 2008. This back is dedicated to my parents for all their love and support!
Friday, June 27, 2008
A work in progress
Posted by
Desjgn "J Design" Playing Cards
7:54 AM
Hello and welcome to the official blog of Desjgn Playing Cards. This blog is still very much under construction but I hope to make it easier for those eager to stay informed on every new release of Desjgn Playing Cards.
For those that haven't heard of Desjgn Playing Cards, they are playing cards that I have designed and had professionally printed on a bright white, durable and washable 100% plastic stock. I invite you to visit for the current styles and product offerings by clicking on the catalog link.
Currently, Desjgn is nearing completion of its next release in bridge or narrow size (2.25" x 3.5"). I will be posting back and face designs as soon as the formal announcement is made. Stay tuned!
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